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Tax Credit For Qualified Water Heaters.

Water Heater Repair & Replacement

Water Heater Repair and Replacement

Alamo Water Softeners in San Antonio, Austin, and Houston is licensed to take care of your home’s plumbing needs.  Including repairing or replacing your home’s water heater.  We are proud to offer Rheem标准水箱式热水器以及无罐加热器.

热水器的效率取决于多种因素.  在加热器的效率中起重要作用的是硬水.  The hard water in San Antonio, Austin, 休斯顿的热水器使用率是原来的三倍,热水器的寿命也会迅速缩短, 特别是如果您没有对其进行日常维护或服务. 为了帮助热水器维修或更换热水器,ManBetX指数在这里为您服务.

Water Heater Repair & Replacement
Rheem Marathon 50 Gallon Water Heater

热水器可能是喜怒无常的,尤其是如果你有一个旧的设备.  如果你的热水器有点旧,那并不意味着它无法修复. 我们的技术人员会评估您热水器的性能, perform any necessary repairs, 确保你的热水器符合标准,为你的家庭提供热水. With help from Alamo Water Softeners, water heater repair is easy and stress-free, and if your heater is beyond repair, 我们也会处理您更换热水器的所有需要!


  • No Hot Water
  • Inadequate Hot Water
  • Rusty or Smelly Water
  • Strange noises coming from your water heater
  • Water leak around the base of the water heater

Tankless Water Heater Repair & Replacement

即热式热水器是一种紧凑和节能的方式,为您的家庭和家人提供您需要的热水.  无罐系统的最大好处之一是,只要你有水流入你的家, you will never run out of hot water.   无论您的即热式热水器是否需要维修,或者您是否想用新的即热式热水器系统替换当前的热水器, 我们有执照的技术人员将努力确保您的新系统或当前系统符合规范, flushed and is operating properly for your home and family.



  • 即热式热水器比传统的水箱加热器效率高得多,而且随着时间的推移会为你节省更多的钱
  • 它们的寿命更长,在某些情况下可以持续几乎两倍的时间
  • 它们更紧凑,在阁楼或车库占用的空间更少
  • 无限热水,供多个淋浴和电器同时运行


  • 即热式热水器通常比传统的水箱热水器更贵
  • Installation can be more expensive, 特别是如果你的家还没有无罐系统所需的基础设施
Water Heater Repair & Replacement


CareSoft Elite Water Softener + ONE Filter

CareSoft Elite
Water Softener + ONE Filter

Total Care + ONE Filter

Total Care + ONE Filter

Ion Pro

Ion Pro

Caresoft Elite RC Softener

Caresoft Elite RC Softener


Maintenance 101: The Problem with Salt Bridges
Water Softeners

Maintenance 101: The Problem with Salt Bridges

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Water Softeners


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Installing a Water Softener Can Lower Your Energy Bill
Water Softeners


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Water Softener Might Make You Love Laundry
Water Softeners

5 Reasons a Water Softener Might Make You Love Laundry

Laundry. You either love it or hate it. 虽然很多人无法理解为什么他们喜欢做家务,但这可能是因为他们喝的是硬水. People ...
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